H.O.P.E. Foundation

Human beings, more so than things,

have to be Restored, Revived,

Redeemed, and Renewed-

NEVER Give up on ANYONE!



Our principle belief and focus is Helping Other People Evolve and reach their full potential, which is paramount in the Healthy development of men, women, and children, regardless if they are incarcerated or free.

The H.O.P.E. Foundation’s primary endeavor, is to help create real hope, change, and chance for rehabilitated offenders across the State of Louisiana. We believe in comprehensive penal reform, where cost effective safe measures give way to true reform and the reintegration of those incarcerated citizens who are proven to pose no threat to Public Safety.




To change the laws in Louisiana so that our laws reflect the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Miller v. Alabama and Montgomery v. Louisiana, which makes life without parole sentences unconstitutional.


To change the laws for 1st offenders serving life without parole and for those inmates serving sentences that are longer than 30 years so that they can go through the process of parole eligibility consideration after serving 20 years in actual custody.


Build bridges of trust and peace between law enforcement, communities, and formally incarcerated citizens.


Offer assistance and support to family and friends of incarcerated citizens.